We, The Class of '57, Dedicate This Yearbook to:

You, MR. LEO GRYGIEL: You have meant a great deal to each of us. You were always there to help us in class projects by pitching in with ideas or work, and even more, to help us if we had our own personal problems. You, Mr. Grygiel, were instrumental in making the class of 1957 a success, financially and morally.

You, MRS. FLORA BEAN: You were always there with a cheerful smile, a word of praise, and an idea for us. You remember, as well as we, the fun we had on the Junior Ball, and the work we put in on the magazine drive. We'll remember these things, Mrs. Bean, and we'll always remember your being there to help make these things possible.

You, MISS RUTH GORDON: You were only with the class for a short time, but in that time we learned how sincere you were in the effort to make us succeed in life as well as in history. We remember those history classes and the parties you gave us. Good luck to you from the '57 gang. And to all of you, a soft good-bye and a whispered thanks for all you have done for us in our four years of high school, the best years of our lives.

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